Objective 7: Implement land use and development practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, embed climate adaptation, and create resilient communities

The effects of climate change transcend jurisdictional boundaries and impact the entire region, at all scales. People organize themselves into all sorts of different communities, from cities, to neighborhoods, ethnic and cultural communities, and communities based around interests or a particular geography. All scales and types of community are affected by climate change impacts. We must also recognize that under-resourced and historically disinvested communities often suffer the worst impacts of climate change. Climate change and environmental justice (equity considerations) are inextricably linked. Climate action must center environmental justice outcomes to build community and neighborhood scale resilience.

It is important to implement mitigation measures to stop climate impacts associated with climate change from worsening. At the same time, we must use nature-based and built solutions to adapt to current and future climate impacts and strengthen our resilience in the face of these challenges. The way our region develops impacts our ability to construct resilient cities, townships, and counties in the face of climate impacts. Development patterns that reduce impervious surface coverage and promote the use of green infrastructure can help reduce flooding during more intense rain events and cool areas impacted by the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Preserving and restoring tree canopies, especially in urban areas, supports cooling efforts while sequestering carbon. Adaptation and mitigation measures work hand in hand to increase climate resilience, which ultimately makes our region more livable, healthy, and economically strong.

Policy 1

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the region to achieve the emissions reduction goal in state statutes. (Met Council/Local Government)

Establish regional climate change strategies with state, regional, and local partners including setting regional emissions reductions targets for the different emissions sectors and actions to accomplish those goals. (Met Council/Local Government)

Update and maintain the Met Council’s Climate Action Work Plan on a regular cycle and dedicate resources to the operational climate action plan implementation. (Met Council/Local Government)

Explore and pursue funding opportunities for climate initiatives at the state and federal level as new opportunities emerge. (Met Council/Local Government)

Identify local climate planning needs and emerging goals with local partners to establish 2050 climate planning requirements in alignment with state statutes. Develop and provide needs-based technical assistance to local governments. (Met Council/Local Government)

Establish performance metrics and evaluate implementation measures for climate reporting at both the local and regional scales and provide regular public progress reports. (Met Council)

Local governments must include in their comprehensive plans a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and projections generated from activity within the local government’s jurisdiction and covers the range of applicable emissions sectors. (Local Government)

Local governments must plan for strategies that reduce or naturally sequester greenhouse gas emissions. (Local Government)

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Policy 2

Support local planning decisions to restore, enhance, and maintain the urban tree canopy. (Met Council)

Conduct urban tree canopy assessments to identify priority areas for preservation, restoration, and maintenance efforts. (Met Council)

Develop model urban forest management goals and strategies to protect and enhance the tree canopy, soil health, water quality, and overall biodiversity. (Met Council)

Implement tree planting, preservation, and maintenance initiatives at the local level. The Met Council will provide technical assistance, training, and resources to support local governments and residents. (Met Council/Local Government)

Assess the adaptation, mitigation, and public health value of the regional urban tree canopy to support local level decision-making and policy development. (Met Council)

Support species diversity and climate adaptive planting on public and private land, including support for management of Emerald Ash Borer. (Met Council/Local Government)

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Policy 3

Incentivize urban design and development that maximizes renewable energy readiness and enhances energy efficiency, especially for energy-burdened households. (Met Council/Local Government)

Establish a target percentage of a local government’s energy needs to be met by sustainable energy. (Met Council)

Promote green building certification and energy benchmarking to encourage sustainable construction practices. (Met Council/Local Government)

Pursue funding to establish a local government grant program to accelerate building decarbonization through weatherization and building retrofits. (Met Council)

Provide support for renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in lower-income communities and affordable housing. (Met Council)

Implement renewable energy programs to support renewable energy deployment, especially for energy-burdened households. (Met Council/Local Government)

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Policy 4

Encourage solar panel installations in underutilized land areas, on industrial land, on rooftops, and accessory to complimentary uses. Protect agricultural areas by encouraging co-location and integration of solar within sites. (Local Government)

Provide technical assistance to local governments on methods and means to maximize solar energy protection and development potential. (Met Council)

Form public-private partnerships to develop solar energy projects, leveraging resources and expertise. (Local Government)

Simplify permitting and promote co-location of solar panels with compatible land uses to maximize efficiency, renewable deployment, and minimize land use conflicts. (Local Government)

Local governments must ensure that local comprehensive plans and ordinances protect and enable the development of solar resources, as required by the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, and consider the use of other alternative energy sources as part of the planning process. Local comprehensive plans must include strategies needed to implement local solar protection policies. (Local Government)

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Policy 5

Support integration of climate adaptation measures into development to prepare for current and projected climate impacts on our region.

Encourage adaptation measures to reduce the effects of extreme heat, manage stormwater, and lessen human vulnerability. (Met Council/Local Government)

Prioritize water conservation practices such as wastewater and stormwater reuse in development and redevelopment projects. (Met Council/Local Government)

Provide incentives for projects integrating climate adaptation solutions, to encourage wider adoption. (Met Council)

Establish clear performance criteria to measure and evaluate the success of adaptation projects, guiding program improvements and funding priorities. (Met Council)

Prioritize planning practices that support nature as a climate adaptation solution to build local resilience to potential climate impacts. Nature based solutions are sustainable approaches that utilize natural ecosystems and biodiversity to address various environmental, social, and economic challenges. (Met Council/Local Government)

Identify human, built, and natural vulnerabilities to climate change, and prioritize nature-based adaptation solutions to enhance local resilience. (Met Council)

Ensure that new construction projects and existing infrastructure upgrades prioritize the incorporation of nature-based solutions to reduce the likelihood and intensity of potential climate impacts. (Met Council/Local Government)

Develop policy incentives and allocate dedicated funding to support the adoption of nature-based climate adaptation solutions at the local level. (Local Government)

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Policy 6

Partner with American Indian and overburdened communities to collaborate on climate solutions. (Met Council)

Strengthen partnerships with American Indian and overburdened communities to support collaborative climate and natural systems work, respecting Tribal sovereignty, self-determination, and cultural practices. (Met Council)

Facilitate regular forums for knowledge-sharing between Tribal Nations, American Indian communities, and underrepresented communities to hear their perspectives on climate and natural systems work. (Met Council)

Co-create regionally actionable climate solutions with Tribal Nations, American Indian communities, and underrepresented communities. (Met Council/Local Government)

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Policy 7

Integrate local food systems and land use planning to build community resilience, access to healthy food, and food security. (Met Council/Local Government)

Assess land use and transportation policy implications as they relate to food access, including food deserts. (Met Council)

Support farm-to-table initiatives and local food markets, facilitating direct connections between producers and consumers and promoting regional food systems. (Met Council/Local Government)

Implement supportive urban agriculture policies to designate areas for community gardens and urban farms, streamline permitting processes and provide incentives to remove barriers to food-growing spaces on public and private land. (Local Government)

Partner with immigrant groups, Tribal Nations, and American Indian communities to establish, or join, coalitions that address urban agriculture and harvesting that respects cultures and spiritual practice. (Met Council)/Local Government)

Determine food insecurity locations through assessment of the food safety net system (SNAP, food shelves, free and reduced lunch percentage) to better align land use planning and food access and security. (Met Council)

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