Objective 4: Prioritize land use and development activities that protect, restore, and enhance natural systems at all scales

Abundant natural systems contribute to the vibrancy of our region, but stewardship of these regional assets has historically conflicted with growth and development. The Met Council promotes development and land use stewardship that integrates natural systems in design and implementation. This requires a balancing of natural systems protection, restoration, and integration with development practices for mutual benefit. Although regional parks, conservation areas, and lakes and rivers stand out as obvious focus areas, preservation and restoration of natural systems must also take place at a more local and site-specific scale. Smaller scale efforts may include implementing environmentally sensitive design practices, integrating green infrastructure, remeandering streams, restoring wetlands, and reducing impervious surfaces. Integrating aspects of the natural environment into urbanized areas helps create livable areas and desirable places to visit, while making sure that biodiversity is enhanced through establishment of wildlife corridors. On a larger scale, protecting contiguous areas of high-quality natural systems from development helps preserve habitat corridors across the region and maintain regional biodiversity.

Policy 1

Identify natural systems within and connecting cities, townships, and counties to assess areas for protection, restoration, and enhancement. (Met Council)

Measure the value of natural systems to assist local governments in protection, restoration, and enhancement efforts. (Met Council)

Inventory natural systems within and between local jurisdictions, using mapping and data collection methods to inform conservation and land use planning decisions. (Met Council)

Prioritize areas for protection, restoration, and enhancement based on ecological significance, potential ecosystem improvement, and equity considerations. (Met Council/Local Government)

Utilize the natural systems inventory to develop action plans to implement preservation, restoration, and enhancement, while leveraging resources and monitoring progress. (Local Government)

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Policy 2

Establish and connect natural systems corridors through land use, water resources, and conservation planning. (Met Council/Local Government)

Identify and prioritize key habitat corridors, including land and water connectivity, through mapping and analysis, considering ecological data and stakeholder input. (Met Council/Local Government)

Update land use planning regulations to incorporate measures for protecting, restoring, and enhancing natural systems corridors, such as conservation easements and wildlife-friendly development standards. (Local Government)

Policy 3

Prioritize the protection, restoration, and enhancement of natural systems in overburdened communities to build local resilience. (Met Council/Local Government)

Engage communities in restoration projects tailored to their needs, such as native plantings, food-growing opportunities, restoring impaired soils, and stormwater management improvements. (Met Council)

Provide environmental education and capacity-building opportunities for residents to advocate for and participate in protecting, restoring, and enhancing natural systems. (Met Council)

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Policy 4

Working with partners, build a shared regional understanding and identify strategies that address risks to public and ecosystem health. (Met Council/Local Government)

Establish an interagency task force to coordinate efforts and develop integrated strategies for addressing environmental risks. (Met Council)

Support joint research and monitoring programs to collect data and assess ecosystem and community health to inform evidence-based decision-making. (Met Council)

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Policy 5

Utilize planning and development processes to enhance wildlife habitat and pollinator plantings, including native and climate adaptive species, across land and water. (Local Government)

Develop guidelines for integration of pollinator habitat and native plantings across various land uses, including aquatic habitat and climate adaptive species. (Met Council)

Encourage land use and ordinance updates to establish, enhance, and maintain pollinator and native plant habitat on public and private land through incentives and technical assistance. (Met Council)

Create interconnected networks of habitat across land and water using pollinator corridor initiatives. (Met Council/Local Government)

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