The following Terms and Conditions govern the use of (“the site”). The software platform is owned by Social Pinpoint Inc. (SPP) and operated by us, the Metropolitan.

By accessing and using this site, you are choosing to accept and comply with the Terms presented throughout this agreement. as well as the Privacy Policy and Moderation Policy. These Terms apply to all visitors and users of this site. Linked sites, affiliated services or third-party content or software have their own Terms that you must comply with. If you disagree with any of the Terms presented in this agreement, you may discontinue using the site immediately.

If you are under 18 years old, please ensure that your parent or guardian understands and accepts these Terms and Conditions (including the Privacy Policy and Moderation Policy).


The Metropolitan Council is using the software platform owned by Social Pinpoint Inc., to provide opportunities for individuals to learn more about our organization and provide information and feedback related to Metropolitan Council projects.

This site is not intended to be a traditional open public forum. The sites are opened for limited discussion of topics relevant to the Met Council and supported by content we generate or share from partners or others. The Met Council may allow for others to provide content on the Social Pinpoint platform, as a limited public forum for the Met Council, as set forth below.


Individuals engage and participate at their own discretion and take responsibility for their comments and information they provide. Comments made by individuals or entities are the opinions of those individuals or entities and are not necessarily our views.

We encourage users to interact with us and one another via Social Pinpoint. Users are welcome to post questions, comments, or concerns, but as an online discussion site and not a public forum, we reserve the right to delete comments that include one or more of the following elements:

  • Obscene, indecent, or profane language, hate speech, threats, or pornographic images/links
  • Promotion or encouragement of illegal activity
  • The solicitation, promotion, or endorsement of specific commercial services, products or entities, including promotion of political campaigns and candidates
  • Spam posts
  • Information that is not public, or information that compromises the safety or security of our employees or Met Council members
  • Off-topic comments

We take public comments seriously and will consider comments. Removal of data from the Social Pinpoint platform does not mean that the comments were not given appropriate consideration. 

We do not block or prohibit users from accessing our limited public forum spaces. These rules are subject to amendment or modification at any time. 

Privacy-related commitments

All written communications with the Met Council are subject to Minn. Stat. Chapter 13, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Generally speaking, interactions on platforms like the Social Pinpoint platform are public information and are subject to disclosure. We recommend that you do not include confidential personal information when interacting with our social media accounts. 

To comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and other laws, including copyright laws, we may limit or remove information from social media platforms. For example, we may limit or remove private information pertaining to our staff, whose personnel data are generally protected under the act. We may also remove any Met Council data that is not public and may have been obtained through a data breach.