Objective 1: Respect the relationship with land and water as a foundation for regional growth

Land and water are essential for sustaining all life. We recognize that planning for the region is about more than accommodating a growing human population, but also about respecting the integrity and needs of all living beings in the region. This approach to growth management emphasizes the importance of stewardship and interconnectedness. By acknowledging and respecting this connection, a broad and shared understanding of the impact humans have on the environment and all living beings within it can change the relationship between development, people, and the environment. Development doesn’t have to disturb or disrupt, but instead can care for and protect the region’s assets, both natural and human.

To achieve this balance, regional growth requires an orderly and efficient approach to land development to meet evolving and expanding needs. A development pattern that reduces the amount of land used to accommodate growth supports this outcome by leveraging the region’s existing resources and limiting impacts to existing habitats. These land use patterns exist throughout the region in cities and townships of all sizes.

Directing growth within local governments to areas where infrastructure already exists promotes efficient use of available infrastructure capacity in the urban and rural service areas and reduces the need for infrastructure expansion. The concentration of growth in existing service areas also prevents premature development of agricultural areas and destruction of natural systems. Managing growth in this manner allows our region to preserve its agricultural economy and rural lifestyles while accommodating the needs of residents and businesses.

Policy 1

Incorporate Indigenous approaches, values, and practices in management of land and water sources. Sovereignty of Tribal nations requires a government-to-government relationship, which compels the Met Council to take a leadership role in elevating the needs and contributions of American Indian community members in the region. Actions that integrate Indigenous perspectives towards caring for the land, water, and living beings are intentional and attempt to alleviate some of the historic harms that American Indians continue to experience. (Met Council)

Adopt regional land management guidelines co-created with American Indian community partners to share with local governments and interested partners as a resource for planning purposes and implementation in areas where there may be local discretion or desire to use such tools. Resources at the regional scale can help provide consistent, clear guidance to a large area of Dakota land and reduce the burden on small American Indian community organizations overtaxed with many individual requests to engage with multiple governments, organizations, or community groups. (Met Council)

Establish an American Indian Advisory Council with authority and dedicated resources to implement land management guidelines in areas of Met Council influence or ownership. This Advisory Council would need to be established by the Met Council and participants with a mutually agreed upon structure, purpose, and role in the Met Council’s decision-making process. This Advisory Council is intended to focus on Imagine 2050 implementation, issues of regional importance, and does not interact with or assume responsibilities of others in established review of cultural or archeological assets. (Met Council)

Provide educational resources for non-native populations about American Indian practices as it relates to caring for the land and water. (Met Council)

Encourage more broad application of American Indian land and water management practices at the individual, neighborhood, community, and regional level. (Met Council/Local Government)

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Policy 2

Accommodate orderly and economical regional growth through efficient land use practices to reduce the cost of infrastructure expansion and service improvements.

Promote more compact development in areas with existing infrastructure. Infrastructure investments at all scales, in all community types, need to be planned for a more compact development pattern. Compact development occurs in all areas with existing infrastructure, from rural downtowns to the growing suburban areas to the most densely developed urban neighborhoods. Planning for compact development patterns at all scales maximizes the benefits of investment, mitigates impacts of climate change, and builds localized resilience. (Met Council/Local Government)

Using a rolling land supply analysis, the Met Council will evaluate requests to connect a new municipality outside of the Met Council’s long-term sewer service area - or a new area within an already served municipality - to the regional wastewater system. The evaluation will be based on the regional need for additional land to accommodate growth and local development trends. Identifying a 20-year rolling land supply ensures that there is sufficient land within the planned Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) to accommodate the region's forecasted growth without having an oversupply that leads to premature infrastructure investments. This evaluation helps prevent inadvertent restriction of land supply that can drive up land prices, while also carefully evaluating MUSA expansion requests within a local jurisdiction and across the region. Analysis shows that there is more than adequate land supply within the current MUSA boundary to accommodate the 2050 regional growth forecasts. (Met Council)

To ensure efficient and cost-effective growth management, the Met Council standard criteria for MUSA expansion where growth had not previously been planned at a regional or local scale, is described herein. The Met Council will consider the following criteria:

i Requests must meet system conformance requirements and maintain consistency with regional policies and goals.

ii Proposed additions must demonstrate a need for additional land supply, including the need for a change to adopted forecasts. The Met Council will review requests to ensure a 20-year rolling land supply considering both regional and local market demand.

iii For local governments already served by regional wastewater services, planned sewer-serviced densities must be consistent with regional density policy for the applicable community designation, including existing planned densities and the planned densities for the new area to be served.

iv Any previous conditions related to Met Council-authorization of comprehensive plan or plan amendments must be fulfilled and program participation (Plat Monitoring Program, building permit survey, etc.) must be current and complete.

v Past performance must meet density expectations. The Met Council will consider a shorter look-back period for performance and/or measure performance against rules in place at the time.

vi When calculating land capacity, the following will be excluded: publicly protected areas, water bodies, wetlands, steep slopes, areas with limited depth to bedrock, depth to water table, and areas protected by public ownership/easement.

Residential density requirements are based on adopted community designations for both the rural and urban services areas (see community designations section). Local governments and land within the MUSA receive a higher level of regional services and investments than those in the rural service area, such as regional wastewater services, regional highways, transit service, and programs that support redevelopment. In return, the Met Council expects jurisdictions in the MUSA to plan for and build the higher levels of development that economically support those regional services. Compact development also reduces the pressure on agricultural land areas and decreases the impact of development on natural systems which helps manage the region’s land supply consistently and more effectively.

In addition, density requirements are necessary planning tools to meet the legislative requirement for NetZero by 2050 as well as the regional goal to lead in addressing climate change. While not the only tool needed to achieve the legislative requirement, every tool available must be used. Compact development has been shown to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, irrespective of the development trajectory, which is crucial in meeting the state's new GHG reduction targets and regional climate goals.

The Met Council analyzed current and projected development densities across local governments within the MUSA. The conclusions from the density analysis highlight differences between actual developed densities that exist in the built environment and planned minimum densities that are authorized as part of local comprehensive plans. Additional information on the methodology, analysis, and possible policy and planning approaches that were assessed can be referenced in the Density Analysis for Imagine 2050. The overall density requirements for both the Urban and Rural Service Areas based on the adopted community designations are included in the table below. (Local Government)

The following standards implement regional density policy: (Met Council/Local Government)

i Plan for the overall minimum average net density expectations across all land within the city or township guided to support growth within the planning period.

ii Each local government determines how and where density is guided consistent with regional policies. Setting minimum average densities for new development provides municipalities with the flexibility to determine which areas are best suited for higher or lower density development under the framework of meeting that overall minimum on available developable lands. (Local Government)

iii Measure minimum net density by taking the minimum number of planned housing units and dividing by the net acreage. Net acreage does not include land covered by wetlands, water bodies, public parks and trails, public open space, arterial road rights-of-way, and other undevelopable acres identified in or protected by local ordinances such as steep slopes. This applies to local governments within the MUSA and Rural Center communities. (Local Government)

iv Plan for forecasted growth and land supply by decade in local comprehensive plans, meeting the community designation minimum density requirements within each planning decade. (Local Government)

v Evaluate the practical feasibility of demand and development to ensure that both the intensity (density range) and location of planned developments are practical. Local governments need to plan land uses that are realistically marketable within the planning period, focusing on plausibility and long-term viability. This helps prevent the overestimation of development outcomes, thereby reducing the risk of underutilized infrastructure, inefficient land management, and implausible planned densities. This differentiates between what is merely allowed and what is plausible, providing a realistic framework for land use planning. (Met Council/Local Government)

vi Use a programmatic and performance-based approach to flexible application of density requirements to support local implementation of regional goals. The structure and requirements where flexibility may be acceptable must not jeopardize conformance with regional system plans or consistency with Met Council policies. Past plans and actions including regional goal and regional policy consistency, existing development patterns, plat monitoring data, adopted plans and ordinances as well as other relevant data may be used to determine eligibility. Criteria will be established in partnership with local governments and other regional stakeholders as part of the implementation work plan. (Met Council)

vii In the Rural Service Area, the Met Council discourages higher development densities to ensure the orderly development of the region, promote the efficient use of regional investments, and protect agricultural land, water resources, and the rural landscape. At the region’s developing edge, some local governments are split between the Urban Service Area and the Rural Service Area. All jurisdictions in the Rural Service Area are expected to set maximum allowable densities, except Rural Centers. (Met Council/Local Government)

viii In the Rural Service Area, the development pattern in Rural Residential community designations reflects both historic large lot subdivisions and areas with environmental limitations to development. This effectively precludes provision of urbanized infrastructure in an effective, connected, and efficient manner and in some cases increases the potential for damage to the environment. These areas need to accommodate minimal growth while protecting natural areas, water quality and quantity, and ensuring sufficient public infrastructure. Expansion of the Rural Residential community designation is inconsistent with regional goals and objectives and considered a departure from regional system plans. (Met Council)

ix Evaluate the need for and updates to administrative guidelines including the MUSA Implementation Guidelines and Flexible Development Guidelines to align with regional goals and to effectively advance the policies in Imagine 2050. (Met Council)

Guide an adequate supply of land at the following appropriate minimum densities to meet their allocation of the regional Future Affordable Housing Need. This applies to local governments with forecasted sewer service. Refer to section 4 of the Housing Policy Chapter on Land Guided for Affordable Housing for more information. (Local Government)

Minimum density requirement

Option 1: Guide sufficient land at a minimum density of 10 units/acre to meet the city or township’s total Future Need.

Option 2: Guide sufficient land at a minimum density of 12 units/acre to meet the city or township’s Future Need for 30% AMI or less and a minimum density of 8 units per acre to meet the Future Need at 31-60% AMI.

Focus local-level growth near high frequency transit service and station areas, to leverage infrastructure investments, support transit ridership, and encourage compact and vibrant mixed-use, walkable areas. Housing is a vital element of a transit supportive land use mix, and average residential density is a common metric employed in transit-oriented development plans regionally and nationally. The appropriate scale of residential density around stations varies by community designation and transit mode, Residential development around station areas, existing and planned, accounts for nearly half of all multi-family residential development in the region. Between 2009 and 2023, new residential development around station areas frequently ranged from 30 to 40 units per acre, with higher average densities at stations in the urban areas. (Met Council/Local Government)

i Jurisdictions with transit investments need to meet higher average minimum densities within station areas, depending on the transit type. The average minimum density requirements for all areas planned to accommodate forecasted growth for each transit type and geography by community designation are in the table below. (Local Government)

ii Residential density is measured as an average of all new residential development and redevelopment in the station areas, calculated on the basis of net developable acres. The average provides flexibility for individual jurisdictions to plan for a range of residential types and densities, mixed with other uses in the station areas. (Met Council/Local Government)

Allow for more than one housing type in land use categories with residential uses. To accommodate this, residential densities for land use categories need to provide a wide enough range of densities so that more than one housing type can be developed within individual land use categories. Single-use residential districts, particularly on the lower density end, limit the diversity of housing within the region and prevent more efficient use of land. Also, single-family residential districts occupy more land than any other use within the Urban Service Area. Limiting such a large land supply to one housing product impacts land use efficiency, diversity of housing stock within neighborhoods and across the region, and availability of options for residents to stay within the community of their choice as their needs and abilities change.

Encourage orderly annexation agreements between growing Rural Centers and adjacent townships to encourage planned and orderly development in rural areas, where applicable. (Met Council/Local Government)

i Local governments may only plan for areas within their municipal boundaries unless an orderly annexation agreement authorizes another jurisdiction to assume planning authority. Planning to use the annexation-by-ordinance process does not convey long-term planning authority and will not be considered as part of comprehensive plan review. As annexations-by-ordinance occur, a comprehensive plan amendment should be submitted to integrate new growth areas into the local plan and update land uses, forecasts, and other changes as needed. Local planning that encompasses areas outside of jurisdictional authority will not be considered as part of the Met Council’s review and authorization of local comprehensive plans. (Local Government)

ii Orderly annexation agreements must encompass the planning horizon and identify needed updates that occur within the planning period. Plan authorization may only apply to timelines permitted within the orderly annexation agreement. (Local Government)

iii The Met Council supports a cooperative, orderly planning approach that protects the long-term viability of growth and development of Rural Center communities. Where appropriate and requested, the Met Council may act as a convener between jurisdictions to help facilitate discussion and resolution of annexation-related issues. (Met Council)

iv Where the extension of long-term regional sewer service may be under consideration or planning, the Met Council will evaluate the overall impact of interim uses in rural and agricultural areas to ensure conformance with regional system plans and avoid departures from those plans. (Met Council)

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Policy 3

Protect rural and agricultural areas from premature development and retain the ability to provide urban services based on regional system plans and long-term needs. (Met Council/Local Government)

Promote enrollment in the Metropolitan Agricultural Preserves Program including supporting legislative changes to strengthen the program. Promote enrollment in the Green Acres Program for properties not enrolled in the Metropolitan Agricultural Preserves Program. (Met Council)

Encourage preservation of land identified as prime agricultural soils from uses other than agricultural production and its ancillary uses. (Met Council/Local Government)

Discourage solar developments on areas identified as prime farmland or farmland of statewide importance. (Local Government)

Encourage promulgation of right-to-farm policies and ordinances at the local level (Met Council/Local Government)

Support the growth of urban agriculture by encouraging the use of vacant and underutilized parcels for this purpose and by providing model ordinances that promote urban agriculture. (Met Council/Local Government)

i Encourage creation of small (less than 40 acres) farms within Diversified Rural communities.

ii Support changes to the definition of “farm” to expand benefits to smaller (less than 10 acres) farmsteads.

iii Support changes to the building code to reduce the barriers for constructing hoophouses and similar agricultural structures on non-farm properties.

Evaluate rural development patterns and proposals in the Long-Term Sewer Service Area for future economical expansion of regional service. (Met Council)

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Policy 4

Encourage redevelopment, infill, and adaptive reuse as part of development priorities. (Council/Community)

Establish a redevelopment monitoring program using existing surveys to obtain information through streamlined data collection efforts. (Met Council)

Evaluate building permit survey information that may be necessary to inform frequency and success of adaptive reuse of buildings. (Met Council)

Support funding and incentives for redevelopment projects and adaptive reuse to address the finance gaps that are prevalent in these efforts. (Met Council)

Encourage mitigation of the impact to natural systems as redevelopment and infill occur. (Met Council/Local Government)

Provide technical support as part of established grant programs to support redevelopment, infill, and adaptive reuse projects. (Met Council)

i Repurpose existing vacant or underutilized buildings.

ii Explore opportunities to incentivize adaptive reuse of existing buildings, such as repurposing vacant schools or commercial properties into affordable or senior housing developments.

Identify opportunities to streamline local development review processes, programs, and incentives that may help realize adaptive reuse for affordable or senior housing developments. (Local Government)

Update land use guidance and regulations to incentivize de-paving in infill and redevelopment opportunities. (Local Government)

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Policy 5

Direct growth away from sensitive ecosystems and water sources to prioritize protection of natural systems. Responsible management of growth can include practices which respect and value the region’s ecological assets. Considerations as to where and how development occurs can positively impact ecological health and accommodate development. Areas with high biodiversity or ecological significance require sensible land use approaches to development. The Met Council promotes development and land use stewardship that integrates natural systems in design and implementation. (Met Council/Local Government)

Prevent groundwater contamination from development, especially in highly vulnerable Drinking Water Supply Management Areas. (Local Government)

Community-wide growth shall consider water supply constraints in the management of growth and development across the region. (Met Council)

Adopt regional guidelines to protect vulnerable, regional priority waters and aquifers from development and restore water quality as part of development practices. (Met Council)

Local water supply plans, as part of the local comprehensive plan, shall adequately demonstrate availability of clean, safe drinking water in areas where forecasted growth will be accommodated. Amendments to local water supply plans are needed when changes exceed the Met Council-adopted threshold for change which will be established through updated guidelines for comprehensive plan amendments. Consideration of a percentage of change similar to local forecast changes may be used. (Local Government)

Encourage development design using best management practices for stormwater runoff from the site to protect any surface water where sites may drain. (Met Council/Local Government)

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Policy 6

In staging areas for new development, local governments need to plan for aggregate resource extraction prior to development where viable deposits remain accessible, as mapped in Minnesota Geological Survey Information Circular No. 46 (Minn. Stat. 473.859). Aggregate resources are needed for not only construction of new roads and buildings but also maintenance and repair. Accessing these resources locally reduces the costs for local construction projects compared to shipping resources in from outside of the region. (Local Government)

Where regionally significant ecological areas or other locally protected natural areas overlay aggregate deposits, the Met Council prioritizes preservation of natural systems over aggregate extraction. (Met Council)

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