Foundations of the Regional Development Guide

This page describes the region's vision, values, and goals for 2050, as well as links to local forecasts, and the foundational chapter of the Regional Development Guide. This content grounds the initiative plans for transportation, water, housing, regional parks and trails, and land use.

Our vision for the region

Grounded in the regional values and goals, the Met Council has endorsed this vision for the region in the regional development guide, Imagine 2050:

Our regional core values

Values are core beliefs or principles that guide the work of the Met Council, our expectations of partnerships, and our policy and program development. The Met Council has identified a set of core values that we believe are most important to the issues and opportunities that face the region, now and into the future.

  • Stewardship

    We value our region’s resources. Our resources include our natural, economic, and financial resources as well as our infrastructure. We recognize that these resources may be vulnerable over time to changing conditions, including from climate change.

    We must design our systems and allocate our resources in ways that can be sustained over time and support the needs of future generations.

  • Accountability

    We value being effective in our work and achieving measurable outcomes. Our region is known for its research, initiatives, and collaborations. We must be open to criticism and clearly understand when we are not achieving results or have harmed communities.

    We recognize that we can maximize our effectiveness by being in partnership with others. We will also be transparent and flexible so that we can change course when needed.

  • Leadership

    We value those in our region who inspire and motivate others. We need broad and inclusive leadership to help confront the significant challenges we face around equity, climate change, safety, and other pressing issues.

    To maximize the potential of our region and its communities, we turn to leadership that is diverse, collaborative, culturally competent, and innovative. We encourage this kind of leadership across all sectors including business, government, non-profit, and education.

  • Equity

    We value the people and communities of our region. Our region is economically and culturally vibrant. We also recognize, however, the harm and disparities that injustices, including racism, have created.

    We are dedicated to creating systems, policies, and programs that repair and heal past harm, foster an equitable future, and eliminate disparities. Communities that have been marginalized in the past will be at the center of this work in leadership roles.

Our regional goals

The Met Council has endorsed these goals for our region to achieve through our policies, practices, programs, and partnerships.

Racial inequities and injustices experienced by historically marginalized communities have been eliminated; and all people feel welcome, included, and empowered.

All our region’s residents live healthy and rewarding lives with a sense of dignity and wellbeing.

Our region meets the opportunities and challenges faced by our communities and economy including issues of choice, access, and affordability.

We have mitigated greenhouse gas emissions and have adapted to ensure our communities and systems are resilient to climate impacts.

We protect, integrate, and restore natural systems to protect habitat and ensure a high quality of life for the people of our region.

Download the complete regional vision, values, and goals chapter

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Local forecasts

Forecasts provide a shared foundation for coordinated comprehensive planning. Metropolitan Council develops forecasts of when, where, and how much population, households, and jobs growth the seven-county region and local jurisdictions can expect over 30-years. In 2023, Met Council published the regional total population and jobs forecasts. Following that, we use UrbanSim, a real estate market simulation model, to allocate forecasts to the local level.

We invite local governments and the public to send comments and questions during the public comment period.

Explore the preliminary forecasts for Imagine 2050 in the interactive tool on our website or download the data.

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