Housing Objectives Overview

The Housing Policy Plan is organized around the regional housing values identified during resident engagement. Each topic area has objectives and policies describing the Met Council’s future actions and partnership opportunities to realize these values.

Proximity and choice

People of any ability, age, financial status, race, and family size can live in the community they choose.

Develop programming, provide resources and funding, and support local, regional, and state initiatives that increase the ability of households to choose where to live in the region regardless of ability, age, financial status, race, or family size.

Read related policy & actions

All housing options, including rental and ownership, are accessible to all households.

Support and incentivize development, preservation, and maintenance of affordable housing units, of all types and tenure (rental, shared equity, and ownership), that reflect what residents can afford.

Read related policy and actions

Dignity and decency

Stable, affordable, and dignified places to live are available to everyone, especially those experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness.

Develop programming and support local, regional, and state policy that makes it less likely for residents in the region to experience housing instability and homelessness, with focused support for people who are experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity.

Read related policy and actions

Affordable housing is built and maintained to a high standard, ensuring safety and accessibility for all residents.

Support and incentivize development, preservation, and maintenance of affordable units of all types that provide residents a safe, dignified, and healthy place to live.

Read related policy and actions

Connection and well-being

Everyone has access to homes, not just housing.

Enhance residents’ ability to keep their housing, amenities, health, social networks, and sense of belonging within their neighborhoods.

Read related policy and actions

Repair historic and ongoing injustice in housing practices and outcomes.

Limit the effects of historical injustices through reparative and community-centered action, and limit future disparities by shifting current policies to protect communities whose disparities are largest.

Read related policy and actions

Housing in our region is resilient to climate change impacts and furthers environmental justice.

Support the development, retrofitting, and maintenance of homes to create a climate-resilient future and improve health for residents in the region.

Read related policy and actions

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Our objectives are accomplished through policies and actions

Following from the goals and objectives are the policies and actions that will guide the regional actions of the plan.

Policies, for all the regional plans, are the statements of intent and approaches to regional issues or topics, independently and with partners. Actions are the specific activities to implement policies and achieve the goals and objectives.

Read the first objective, policy, and actions