Objective 5: Cultural Connection & Well-Being

Everyone has access to homes, not just housing.


Enhance residents’ ability to keep their housing, amenities, health, social networks, and sense of belonging within their neighborhoods.


Actions are grouped under the categories of Partner, Plan, and Provide to better tell the story of how policy produces results.


  • Lead the development of a tool to evaluate displacement risk factors and explore the implementation of this tool in Met Council grant programs.
  • When allocating Met Council funds, prioritize place-based investments that implement displacement mitigation strategies in displacement risk areas, as identified by the Met Council.
  • Livable Communities Act prioritizes/supports community connection in scoring criteria.
    • Prioritize projects that preserve and/or add to the cultural landscape of the neighborhood the project is located in.
    • Prioritize culturally responsive approaches, such as interest-free and Individual Taxpayer Identification mortgage products, multi-generational housing, and community-designed housing projects.
  • Provide guidance and best practices, within Met Council and with external partners, on anti-displacement mitigation strategies for investment projects in collaboration with the Blue Line Anti-Displacement Working Group, other similar groups, and other anti-displacement work across the Met Council.
  • Provide technical assistance to support development of community-level programs working to promote equitable access to stable housing such as downpayment assistance, affordable housing trust funds, and rent stabilization.


  • Include the requirement of a community-based displacement risk assessment, developed by Met Council staff in collaboration with all Met Council divisions and community partners, for Met Council owned investments.
  • Require local plans to consider tools currently used, or that the community will seek to use, to enhance the social and economic capital of residents in newly constructed affordable and mixed income housing, such as mental health services, job training programs, and educational support.


  • Continue collaboration with the Blue Line Anti-Displacement Work Group, as well as with anti-displacement efforts of external community partners to ensure alignment in best practices across all of the Met Council’s planning and operations.
  • Engage with housing stakeholders such as neighborhood groups, nonprofits, and research organizations to align Met Council displacement risk assessment with other equity scorecards and anti-displacement tracking efforts around the region.
  • Collaborate with partners to seek opportunities within site-specific Transit Oriented Development areas to support the development of affordable housing
  • Convene regional and local housing stakeholders including practitioners, funders, and advocates, to promote greater communication, and to refine policies and processes to respond to the housing needs of historically overburdened households throughout the region.

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