Imagine the Future of Housing

Safe, stable, and affordable housing is a foundation for any person or family to be able to thrive. Communities thrive when they have a range of housing choices for residents in all circumstances and stages of life.

The Housing Policy Plan identifies regional housing needs and priorities and sets the regional housing policy direction. We work with local governments to identify and plan for their future housing needs

Our regional goals

The Met Council has endorsed these goals for our region to achieve through our policies, practices, programs, and partnerships. Collectively, these goals describe and support an overall vision for the region and set the policy agenda for the objectives outlined in the Housing Policy Plan.

Racial inequities and injustices experienced by historically marginalized communities have been eliminated; and all people feel welcome, included, and empowered.

All our region’s residents live healthy and rewarding lives with a sense of dignity and wellbeing.

Our region meets the opportunities and challenges faced by our communities and economy including issues of choice, access, and affordability.

We have mitigated greenhouse gas emissions and have adapted to ensure our communities and systems are resilient to climate impacts.

We protect, integrate, and restore natural systems to protect habitat and ensure a high quality of life for the people of our region.

Regional goals are supported by housing objectives, policies, and actions

The 2050 Housing Policy Plan includes specific objectives based on the regional development guide's regional vision, values, and goals. Following from the goals and objectives are the policies that will guide the regional and local actions of the housing plan.

Read Objectives for the Housing Policy Plan