Policy 1: Integrated Water Policy

Water planning, management, and operations are collaborative and holistically address the natural and built water cycle.

The Water Policy Plan is an integrated plan that supports the Met Council’s core mission to operate and manage the regional wastewater collection and treatment system, and plan for wastewater services, water supply, and water resources management for the region. Water organizations within the metro region need to work together to address issues that transcend water organization boundaries to prepare water management plans. These plans must promote the enhancement and restoration of regional waters (lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and groundwater) and allow for economic prosperity including affordable and sufficient water to meet the needs of residents, institutions, businesses, industries, and agricultural producers.

Desired outcomes:

  • Federal, Tribal, state, regional, and local water plans and policies align to support sustainable and equitable water outcomes.
  • Water planning and management decisions consider the needs, challenges, risks, and impacts of planning decisions for both natural surface and groundwaters, as well as water moving through the built environment.
  • Water organizations work collaboratively across geographical, political, social, and cultural boundaries to achieve water sustainability
  • Water planning and management roles and responsibilities within the region are clarified and any identified gaps collaboratively addressed.
  • The Met Council coordinates among its divisions and across the integrated water cycle to maximize the benefits of clean and plentiful water from regional investments.
  • Surface water and groundwater in the region are protected and restored to meet the needs of current and future residents, communities, ecosystems, and economies.


Actions are grouped under the categories of Partner, Plan, and Provide to better tell the story of how policy produces results.


  1. Convene and facilitate discussions and cross-water sector solutions that support sustainable waters and delve into regional water issues that transcend community or watershed organization boundaries.
  2. Collaborate with federal, Tribal, state, and local partners on studies that develop information and approaches that enhance the sustainability of water services of the Met Council and local providers.
  3. Support regional outreach and educational opportunities with organizations that advance integrated water planning and management through consistent messaging regarding pressing water concerns.
  4. Partner with communities, water agencies, technical experts and residents to identify risks, gaps, associated vulnerabilities, and develop solutions for our regional water concerns.


  1. Provide local surface water, water supply, and wastewater plan timing, requirements, and guidance to align state, regional, and local efforts in water planning, management, and development decisions.
  2. Ensure that local water plans and related environmental planning documents are developed collaboratively and consider the natural and built water cycle, through the Met Council’s plan review authority and function.
  3. Prioritize protection and enhancement efforts for regional waters listed in the Priority Waters List.


  1. Provide technical information to watershed organizations, city planners, and local water providers on practices to use and incorporate into their operations or planning efforts that protect water quality and quantity.
  2. Advocate for federal, state, and regional financial assistance to local governments, water suppliers, and other partners on water issues and water management activities.
  3. Advocate for legislative initiatives that advance progress on challenges and opportunities identified by partners that align with regional water policies and priorities (examples: reuse, bonding to develop shared water supply systems, wellhead protection or water quality rule changes).