Policies and Actions for Protecting and Restoring Natural Systems

Policies, for all the regional plans, are the statements of intent and approaches to regional issues or topics, carried out independently and/or with partners.

The following policies and actions are in support of the articulated objectives for a protecting and restoring natural systems:

Policy 1

Prioritize projects which reduce total impervious surface coverage or minimize right-of-way needs.

1.A Evaluate publicly owned parking systems for facility greening, downsizing, or closing. This would include opportunities at facilities such as park and rides, rest areas, or other publicly owned parking facilities.

1.B Prioritize projects that minimize roadway surface or impervious surface.

1.C Provide technical assistance and share research on permeable pavement construction, operations, and maintenance.

1.D Explore opportunities and encourage the reduction of impervious surface in comprehensive planning, land development, and transportation project development.

1.E Provide training to local agencies and consultants on best practices in traffic forecasting, transportation impact studies, and parking generation to better understand how to right size facilities and requirements to minimize paved surfaces.

1.F Explore updating stormwater management requirements to increase opportunities to treat and discharge stormwater outside of the right-of-way (ROW) to limit excessive ROW needs, where possible.

Policy 2

Use existing transportation rights-of-way and transportation project development to protect and restore natural systems.

2.A When planning and designing transportation projects, explore and prioritize green stormwater infrastructure before expanding gray stormwater infrastructure. This could include incorporating natural features into projects, stream or riverbank stabilization, tree cover, permeable pavements, native plantings, onsite stormwater infiltration, or others.

2.B Incorporate habitat and natural areas into stormwater management strategies or implement stormwater prevention or treatment elements that mitigate pollution beyond municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit requirements.

2.C Maintain or expand plantings within the right-of-way including trees, bushes, grasses, and planted buffers. When selecting plantings, consider the variety of plant species, health and suitability in the right-of-way, and potential impacts to infrastructure.

2.D Reduce negative environmental impacts from operations and maintenance activities. Provide research on environmentally responsible and best management practices for activities. Track agencies that are implementing best practices.

2.E Increase native plantings and pollinators in landscaping as part of transportation projects.

2.F Consider opportunities for retrofitting projects to add or improve stormwater infrastructure within the right-of-way, even if they do not have corresponding transportation elements.

2.G Avoid or minimize negative impacts to natural systems before considering mitigation (in other words, compensating for the loss of wetlands or other ecological features) or provide mitigation above and beyond project impacts.

2.H Identify and coordinate a better understanding of transportation system impacts on wildlife and opportunities to mitigate those impacts. Incorporate ongoing and future research and findings to aid planning efforts in the region.

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