Policies and Actions for Leadership on Climate Change

Policies, for all the regional plans, are the statements of intent and approaches to regional issues or topics, carried out independently and/or with partners.

The following policies and actions are in support of the articulated objectives for leadership on climate change:

Policy 1

Ensure the availability, visibility, and accessibility of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

1.A Plan for regional private and shared electric vehicle charging needs. Establish an approach to define charging infrastructure priorities, including installation in multi-unit housing, historically disadvantaged communities, and rural areas.

1.B Support the expansion of private and shared electric vehicle charging systems. Coordinate and partner with public and private entities to construct electric vehicle charging infrastructure that meets the needs of private and shared vehicles, e-scooters, e-bikes, and commercial delivery vehicles. Consider charger placement opportunities in transportation right-of-way, public facilities, and publicly accessible private businesses (for example, parking lots, convenience and gas stations).

1.C Fund, research, develop, and share resources with local agencies to engage and educate residents on vehicle electrification and charging.

1.D Develop and implement low / no-emission fleet transition plans, including service and support vehicles. Provide technical support as necessary.

1.E Evaluate strategies to expand zero emission transitions in medium and heavy-duty vehicles and fleets, like delivery vehicles, school buses, and freight trucks.

1.F Identify methods and processes to prioritize targeted charging and fueling infrastructure funding with a focus on historically disadvantaged and rural communities.

Policy 2

Evaluate and mitigate the greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts of transportation plans and projects.

2.A Evaluate project’s impacts on greenhouse gas emissions. Implement the requirements from Minnesota Statute 161.178 Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment.

2.B Maintain a greenhouse gas inventory, forecast, and GHG reduction scenario planning tools that can evaluate reduction strategies and support planning efforts. Provide support for transportation greenhouse gas reduction efforts with best practices, technical assistance, and guidance.

2.C Support the inclusion of low-carbon construction methods and materials into transportation projects (steel, concrete, recycle in place, or others). Continue to research best practices and provide regular training.

2.D Develop, evaluate, and implement other transportation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Policy 3

Prioritize projects that reduce vehicle miles traveled through sustainable transportation options.

3.A Develop a methodology that can evaluate projects for their impacts on vehicle miles traveled. Collaborate with transit providers to understand and identify potential vehicle miles traveled reduction from transit investments.

3.B Use existing funding programs (for example, Carbon Reduction Program) or create new funding programs to target investments that reduce vehicle miles traveled per capita, including investments in transportation options beyond driving alone.

3.C Create information and personalized stories about trip reduction that demonstrate the feasibility of the state and regional vehicle miles traveled goals, objectives, and targets.

3.D Develop educational materials that inform the public and promote actions that residents and businesses can take to minimize vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions from delivery and shopping-related trips.

3.E Support the expansion of access to bicycle systems, including incentives for individual bike purchases for electric or traditional bikes, secured bike parking, bike charging infrastructure, and shared bicycle programs.

3.F Examine ways in which regional transportation investments can better support more efficient land use patterns. Consider land use context and policies as a prioritization factor for regional funding.

3.G Build better understanding of the shared benefits of vehicle miles traveled reduction on climate mitigation, congestion, and safety.

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